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Where European Union funds help
Published 13.11.2021
Would you like to see the Shroud of Turin, but Italy is a little out of hand? Do you like mysteries and crack the puzzle is not a problem for you? You no longer enjoy walking in the same places and would like to see Broumov from other angles, but it is far away?
It doesn't matter, you can visit Broumov with us from the comfort of your home as part of a two-hour live broadcast. We know some interesting places of this beautiful city and we believe that even if you have visited some of them, we will show them in a different light with a lot of new information. You can look forward to visiting:
• Broumov Monastery,
• the wooden church of the Virgin Mary,
• Diakonie Broumov,
• LokArt exhibition halls,
• the beautiful Schroll Park,
• workout playground,
• Janovičky Bath,
• transport terminal,
• the company ELMON spol. s.r.o.
You will also get to know the beauties of the Broumov region and the borderland thanks to adventurous quests or a ride on a cycle path.
Join us and see where European funds are helping everywhere! You won't be bored!