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Where European Union funds help
Žďár nad Sázavou
Published 20.11.2021
As part of a two-hour live broadcast, we will visit the Museum of the New Generation as the first place on the way to explore the Žďár Hills. We will guide you through the story of the area of ​​the former Cistercian monastery and today's castle of the Kinský family with a unique multimedia adventure exhibition for young and old. As we talk about cross-border cooperation, we find that water knows no borders. We will follow in the footsteps of the genius architect Jan Blažej Santini and penetrate into the mathematical secrets of the Pilgrimage Church of St. Jan Nepomucký on Zelená hora (UNESCO monument). We will not neglect sports activities either, we will walk along local cycle paths and measure our strength during outdoor activities in Pilák. Through public transport, which by the way is said to be managed by the intelligent transport system, we are moving to the Kolping Addictology Outpatient Clinic and the counseling center for teachers and parents. In the end, we brush up on the skills of the scouts and take a look at their new clubhouse and end our entire journey with a walk and rest in the city park Farská humna.